Near Yet Far, Far Yet Near (2015)

NEAR YET FAR, FAR YET NEAR: A twin bill of plays

10 Questions

The year is 2010. The place, Manila, the Philippines. Enter Ben: a quiet, reserved, conservative guy. And Claire: a quirky, fun loving free spirit. They would’ve been perfect for each other. But they can’t exactly be romantic because their best friends have just split up. Or can they?
The two start chatting one night. They start playing 10 questions. What happens now? In a tale of friendship, loyalty, romance, happiness, awkwardness and everything in between, how does one answer the question of: “what is love?”
One Rainy Evening in April
A play about the verbal constipation between two lovers on the fall. Their passions are masked in silence and dreams.

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Director: Paolo Apagalang

Playwright: Paolo Apagalang for 10 Questions and Enrique Eastagle for One Rainy Evening in April

Production Designers: Claudine Delfin and Jay Crisostomo

Lighting Designer: Jan Leyson

Sound Designer: Jonathan Rodriguez

Stage Manager: Regina Saquin

Performers; Trency Cagaanan, Tarek El Tayech, Christine Nery, Guelan Luarca, Jerome Flor

Go back to Season 2: Sunchaser

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